Hello from Norway.
LKB houses two small narrowcast AM/FM stations in Western Norway, one AC Standards station with a «mid-Atlantic» format and the other runs Nostalgia. A beautiful music station stream will be added in the near future set for testing in the first half of 2017.
We hold Norwegian content and technical broadcast licenses and are located with a small studio at Bergen’s former AM(NRK) outlets LKB(Philips 10 kW) and LLE (Marconi 1 kW) near Erdal in Askøy municipality.
The site is intact except from the 10kW and the original T-antenna strung between two 150 metres masts which has been taken down. 20 metres of one of these is intact. For the moment we operate from a Comrod antenna, inverted «V»s, and longwires.
Most of the personnel are licensed radio amateurs. We also have much general broadcasting knowledge.
We have been on the air since 2012, improving and progressing a little year by year.
Please see our information sheet for the WRTH 2017 attached and transmitter equipment list at the bottom of this email.
Transmitter List:
LLE-2 1314 kHz Western Electric WE 451A-1 250 watts License 1 kW
LLE-4 1611 kHz Skanti TRP-8250 HF 250 Watts 250/125 watts License 1 kW
LLE-3 5895 kHz Yaesu FT-950 modified 100/25 watts License 1 kW
LLE-FM 103,8 Mhz Itelco 100 watts License 126 watts
LLE-5 630 kHz Skanti Marinetta TRP1 10 watts License 1 kW
In addition several MW and SW transmitters from 20 kW down left on site not in operational order.
An amateur station is also regularly in use on the site with various antennas and the call sign LA1ASK, on 3702+-/3725 kHz etc.
*This is a test transmission from LKB LLE Bergen Broadcasting on AM 1314(thirteen fourteen)228 metres Medium Wave (and 103.8 Mhz in the FM band). Our email address is: report@bergenkringkaster.no. If you’d like to send us a written reception report, the address is: PO Box 100, N5331 Rong, Norway! Please remember to enclose an addressed envelope and to include $3 for return postage. Keep listening to LKB LLE!
*You are listening to a test transmission from LKB LLE Bergen Broadcasting Station at 60 degrees 26 minutes North 05 degrees 12 minutes East. Keep listening to LKB LLE!
*You are listening to LKB LLE Bergen Broadcasting Station on AM 1314(thirteen fourteen)228 metres Medium Wave(and 103.8 Mhz in the FM band). Keep your dial at LKB LLE!
*You are listening to LKB LLE Bergen Broadcasting. We are broadcasting on 1314(thirteen fourteen)kHz, 228 metres in the Medium Wave AM Broadcasting Band. Please send us your reception report! You can write to the following email address enclosing a sound file in mp3:
I spell: Romeo, Echo, Papa, Oscar, Romeo, Tango at Bravo, Echo, Romeo, Golf, Echo, November, Kilo, Romeo, India, November, Golf, Kilo, Alpha, Sierra, Tango, Echo, Romeo dot no. that is:
report@bergenkringkaster.no Stay tuned to LKB LLE!
Reports preferably with mp3 recording to: report@bergenkringkaster.no. Email reports will be answered by email QSL card.
If you want a QSL-card, please send written report enclosing Norwegian stamps for foreign postage or 3$ bills, to:
LKB/LLE Bergen Kringkaster
PO BOX 100
N5331 RONG